Wednesday 14 November 2012

Brewdog again; Edinburgh & Save Your Pint Lobby


The Business Insider magazine listed Scotland's top business leaders and in joint 46th place were:

Heady words, but despite a pretty good financial performance, they dropped 15 places from last year's number 31.

On a quick trip to Edinburgh last weekend (for a wine fair), we managed to slip in a couple of visits to the Guildford Arms, plus one to the Cask & Barrel. Both never disappoint in both their beer quality and selection - and both were heaving. Recession? What recession?

At the wine fair in the Assembly Rooms, Innis & Gunn had a stand:

They also had their specialty beers on sale, including:

Surprisingly bland all of them, I thought - or perhaps the sample sizes were too small?

Is anyone from our branch going down to London for the rally on December 12th? -

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