Friday 21 October 2011

North Sea Ale distribution


I got round a few of the Deeside outlets last night, dropping off at Scott Skinner's and the Legion in Banchory, before heading west to Torphins, Lumphanan, Tarland, Aboyne, Potarch and, finally, Feughside.

Generally, it seems that the market west of Banchory is sown up by Inveralmond and Cairngorm. I have to confess it was the first time I'd ever been in the Macbeth in Lumphanan - I didn't even know it had ale, but there were 2 handpumps on serving Trade Winds and Nessie's Monster Mash. Good to see that the Aberdeen Arms in Tarland seemed to be fairly busy again - two Inveralmond beers on, including Minstrel. The Commercial was also Inveralmond, but the Potarch was Cairngorm (Trade Winds).

The Boat Inn, Aboyne is still only using two of its usual three handpumps, but at least this is more than can be said for the Feughside, which, for my 3rd visit in a row, had no ale for sale. Dave wasn't around, so I'm not sure if I've just been unlucky or whether it's become an ale-free pub now.

I guess now that Deeside is low profile - at least for the next few months - it's perhaps not surprising that there were no real LocAle beers available. It looks like Deeside Brewery will survive however - with Rob still involved - although it may be quiet until into the New Year. Fingers crossed.

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