Saturday 11 December 2010

Banchory event


The BLO seminar at the Caledonian Brewery today was cancelled so I missed a chance of catching up with a few of the local CAMRA activists who were also planning to catch the train down - including one R.A. Jones, who, as most will have noticed, had the lead letter in this month's What's Brewing:

Spoke to Rob at Deeside Brewery yesterday and arranged my Christmas mini-kegs - Nechtan of course! Rob was saying that he's now supplying Oddbins locally with bottles.

The only "new" ale I've spotted this week is Three Wise Men from Stewart Brewing (no relation) which was on at the Douglas last night. Pleased to see that the Douglas has got 3 ales back on - Nechtan and Deuchar's were the others. There was also this advert for a tasting event next Thursday - might try and go along:

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