Wednesday 1 December 2010



It's been a bit difficult getting about recently but I did (eventually) manage to get down to London last weekend. Flight cancellations meant we didn't really have as much free time as we would have liked and we only managed a couple of pre and post-concert ales - unfortunately none of them at my carefully pre-chosen GBG selections.

We were staying just off Cromwell Road, near Gloucester Road and we popped in to the Gloucester Arms, which carried a Cask Marque accreditation, but, regrettably only had one of its 4 ales available. A subsequent web check revealed the following posting from a Nick Davies:

"Almost indistinguishable from the Stanhope down the road this is a bog standard Punch "City Metro" format pub. It spent a couple of years in recent times as a Finnegan's Wake fake Irish bar but they got over that fad and it has since reverted to an average London boozer. Its main function nowadays to to provide the vast number of package tourists who stay in the many local hotels with the Genuine Olde English Pub Experience which I guess it does, sort of. Lots of wood panelling, far too much furniture to eat Traditional English Fish And Chips from and some of those horrid high tables, but decidedly pubby, no attempts at gastrification here.

Usual Punch suspects on the handpumps, Pride, Young's Ordinary, St Austell."

Fair comment.

After our concert at the Royal Albert Hall, we went back to the busy junction of Cromwell Road and Gloucester Road in the hope of getting both something to eat and some decent ale - we failed with the former. Despite advertising meals until midnight, all the kitchens in this part of Kensington seemed to shut at 11pm - as did some of the boozers. We eventually ended up in the sister pub to the Gloucester Arms, the aforementioned Stanhope. At least it was open until midnight and all their ales were available - the best by far being Young's Gold.

Our only other chance of a beer or two were at the Wetherspoon's outlet in Terminal 5 on our way home - the usual selection available there - predictable choice, but their London Pride was in very good nick.

Now back in snowy Banchory and our golf club was again out of ale tonight, so it was round to the Douglas, who had just two on - Deuchar's and Nechtan.

I'm typing this in front of the TV and there's yet another cookery/food programme on (Nigel Slater's Simple Suppers) - but this time it caught my attention when they started talking about craft/micro brewing. There was a short feature on Will Twomey (?) from West Berkshire Brewery, whose beers I've often sampled on my occasional trips to Reading.

Also just heard that Crathes Castle have cancelled their do this Saturday - Rob was due to be there with some of his Deeside ales - shame - I was looking forward to it.

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