Tuesday 27 August 2013

More Deeside pub news

From http://iansaleadventures.blogspot.com/

Another piece of local Deeside news I may have missed while I was away last month was that the Boat Inn, Aboyne has finally been sold. It had been formally on the market - apparently for a 7-figure sum - for over a year.

I haven't had a chance to meet the new owners yet - perhaps I will when I deliver the next North Sea Ales (when are they due?) - but I have heard that they plan to take out the spiral staircase in the front lounge to create more room, and they also intend to expand the bar at the back of the Inn northwards.

The Boat Inn front lounge is always busy whenever I go there - but always with diners - every table is occupied with meals or reserved for them. Drinkers can only stand at the small space at the bar - there's nowhere for them to sit - unless they go through to the (noisier) back bar.

In other news, here's a beery article from the business pages of the Times this weekend:

(click on to enlarge and read the print)

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