Sunday 20 March 2011

This week's adventures


Been delivering North Sea Ales this week - firstly in the Broch to the Elizabethan and Cheers, both of which seem to be turning over a fair quantity and variety of ales. Raymond's scheme at the Elizabethan, whereby card carrying CAMRA members get a discount on their beer, seems to be swelling membership locally.

Mill of Mundurno was my next port of call - haven't been there for a while, but nothing much has changed. Three hand pumps, all bearing Hobgoblin pump clips, but no beer ready for drinking.

Back in Banchory, the Legion had two light (3.7%) seasonal ales on from Fuller's and Shepherd Neame, whilst Belhaven's Six Nations went down well as we watched the rugby in the Douglas Arms last night.

My highlight, and pleasant surprise of the week, came from, not one, but two follow-up trips to Scott Skinner's, which has been a definite no-no for local ale drinkers for the last few years. I had been pleasantly surprised by the couple of half pints I had sampled when I completed the recent pub surveys, and vowed then to try them again - so this I did, on Wednesday and Friday night.

Just to make sure I wasn't fooling myself, I went along mob-handed on both occasions. Spitfire and Bishop's Finger were the choices and both were in good condition and none of us detected any of the chemical back taste we always used to get in the last few years. On Friday night, we had a good session and eventually the Spitfire ran out, but its replacement was Landlord, which, again, was very good. Hope they keep up the good work.

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