Monday 23 August 2010

Banchory beers update


Our golf club had a Brewdog beer on last week - AlphaDog - the first time I'd seen Brewdog represented here. At 4.7%, it's a bit too heavy for a lunchtime, post-golf beer, but the Adnam's Bitter was fine, as was yesterday's Wychcraft from Wychwood - excellent, in fact.

The Burnett Arms are still running two ales - Deuchar's and a Deeside beer. On Friday night it was Nechtan - and very good it was too. We speculated, however, about the (lack of) staff training there and what would happen when one of the beers ran out - and, sure enough, it happened on Saturday and the young girls behind the bar hadn't a clue what to do. This never happens at the Douglas, golf club or the Legion, each of whom have got a number of staff who at least know how to change the cask and clean the lines.

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