Tuesday 5 March 2013

St. Andrews etc

From http://iansaleadventures.blogspot.com/

On a brief stopover in St. Andrews this weekend, we managed a quick pit stop at the Central Bar, which is always mega-busy every time I've been there - but they look after their ales well. It's a Taylor Walker (http://taylor-walker.co.uk/) pub and the Central Bar is their furthest north location:

5 of their pubs are in Edinburgh and almost 100 in London, and they happily advertise CAMRA too, with a bunch of leaflets of Fife's real ale pubs scattered throughout the bar:

On another matter, the Times yesterday featured this brief article on beer duty:

With the Budget fast approaching, all the lobbyists are getting busy - this one is from the BBPA - the British Beer & Pub Association, whose web site - http://www.beerandpub.com/ - is dominated by this topic.

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