Tuesday, 19 February 2013

GBG selection/PotY/CotY

From http://iansaleadventures.blogspot.com/

Accompanied by Jo, I made my annual appearance at a CAMRA meeting  on Saturday. Between us, we made up 20% of the attendance at the meeting to decide the GBG entries for next year, along with Pub of the Year and Club of the Year.

Helge has already reported the results, but it was good to hear that the number of voters had increased significantly this year. I think Helge said something like 53 members voted this time around. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I suspect this still only represents about 15% of the membership of our region - which makes the turnout for local Council elections look good.

Worthy winners however - both the Marine and Moorings do an excellent job of keeping real ale in the forefront. Club of the Year, as ever, went to the Legion in Banchory - a bit like some Third World "democracies", there's no choice, as Ravenswood is the only Club that allows visitors to have a beer on production of the GBG.

Jas and I formally presented the award to the Legion tonight and took the obligatory photo for the records - and possibly the next edition of North Sea Ale. It's becoming an annual ritual and the wall next to the bar at the Legion is awash with CAMRA awards:

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