Monday 20 August 2012

Back in Deeside


I've been back from USA for 2 weeks now but have only managed to sample ales in a few local pubs and clubs since then - in Banchory, the Douglas Arms and the Golf Club have had fairly predictable selections, and on my 2 trips to Tarland in the last week, the Aberdeen Arms has had its usual Inveralmond beers - Minstrel and Lia Fail.

More variety was found when the country boys made a rare trip to the big city on Saturday afternoon as Colin Kilgour and I made a late appearance at the CAMRA BFPM meeting. Carriages - sorry, the Brentwood - had its usual good selection of quality ales, although there were several examples of short measures being poured by the barmaid, who obviously needed a bit more training. The general condition of the beers, however, is superior to anything we get at our regular haunts in Deeside - with the possible exception of the Legion.

The presentation of the cheque for the proceeds from unused tickets etc at the Beer Festival was made to Iain Young, Chairperson of the local branch of Parkinson's, by Colin, assisted by Hamish from the Brentwood. Helge took the official photographs for the Newsletter etc, but, meanwhile, here's a sneak preview:

Iain gave a nice little acceptance speech and handed out the Parkinson's newsletter, containing the following paragraph on their experience with CAMRA:

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