Monday 9 January 2012

Forth Valley


Just returned from a couple of days down in Forth Valley country. Lunch on Saturday was at the Lade Inn ( Nice place and three decent, although ever-so-slightly bland, house ales. Nice backdrop to the Inn too:

I don't think I've been to a Scottish brewpub yet that doesn't hedge its bets a little with its house brews, going for the safer end of the taste spectrum, and eschewing the opportunity to offer the punters something really different. Certainly Pitlochry's Moulin Inn's ales are also fairly middle-of-the-road - in my opinion anyway. At the risk of repeating myself, I think there's still a bit we can learn from the American brewpub model.

Nice serving touch with the beers in the Inn - I tried all three and each one was served with the correct individual glass - this one was the 3.9% Waylade:

The adjacent Scottish Real Ale Shop also offers a good selection of bottled beers from what seems like most of the Scottish microbreweries. We did a bit of shopping here for our evening in front of the TV:

We were staying a few miles outside Aberfoyle, and, according to the local CAMRA Real Ale Guide, the only pub in town with beer is the Forth Inn Hotel. They had 4 handpumps, although only 3 in service when we were in - Belhaven IPA, Trade Winds and Schiehallion were the choices.

To finish this week's blog posting, I return once more to those experts at PR - Brewdog. They popped up again with their announcement that they had reached their target of £2.2m. for their Equity for Punks share issue -

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