Tuesday 21 June 2011

Post festival meanderings

From http://iansaleadventures.blogspot.com/

Took a walk along the Deeside Way to Ballater last Sunday, which gave me a chance to re-visit the Alexandra Hotel for the first time since I did the pub surveys earlier this year - and I wasn't disappointed. Three ales on, including Highland IPA and Lia Fail, plus one other I've since forgotten - all very good.

I've also been to the Learney Arms in Torphins a couple of times in the past week - just one pump operational, and it's Independence. Back in Banchory, the Douglas Arms has been selling its usual suspects - Deuchar's, a Deeside beer (Nechtan just now) plus their usual meaty selection on the far away pump - Spitfire last week.

Banchory Golf club has finally had its second hand pump repaired and is currently serving Young's (Bitter) and Bombardier. Can't help thinking that the mass marketing TV campaign is going to turn Bombardier in to the next Boddington's - they sure are milking the brand for all its worth.

Lastly, a vote of thanks to all the stalwarts who worked like Trojans behind the bar at Pittodrie - I don't know how you all do it - well done to all.

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