Sunday 10 October 2010

Autumnal ales in Banchory


Nice to see the darker, autumnal beers on at the golf club - a couple of new ones to me as well:

The pump clip for Robinson's Battering Ram says "A prized ale that's strong in character" - it's 4.0% and the badge says it is one of their 2010 seasonal ales.

Fire and Brimstone from "Old Mill Brewery, Snaith" is 3.9% and the legend on the barman's apron says "Hubble bubble malt hops and trouble, with a hint of chocolate on the double".

The Douglas Arms is a little less adventurous and is sticking to its policy of Deuchar's, one Deeside ale (Brude this weekend) and one other Scottish beer - Schiehallion just now.

That's as far as I've been this week - a bit immobile just now, but hoping to get out and about a bit more soon.

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